1. In the book of Joel, the term "Gentiles" refers to the nations or non-Israelite peoples. Joel mentions the Gentiles in the context of a prophetic message that emphasizes their future judgment and the restoration of God's people.
2. In the Old Testament, the term "Gentiles" generally refers to nations or peoples who are not part of the Israelite community. They represent the broader world beyond Israel and often symbolize those who are outside of God's covenant relationship with Israel.
3. The book of Joel is set during a time of crisis in the land of Judah. The prophet Joel delivers a message from God regarding a devastating locust plague that has caused widespread destruction and famine. This crisis serves as a backdrop for Joel's call to repentance, spiritual renewal, and the assurance of God's future restoration.
4. Joel briefly mentions the Gentiles in his prophecy, particularly in the context of their future judgment. He describes how the Gentiles have scattered God's people, divided up the land of Israel, and cast lots for Jerusalem. This indicates the hostile actions of other nations towards Israel.
5. Joel prophesies that God will gather all the nations and bring them into the Valley of Jehoshaphat for judgment. This symbolic valley represents the place where God will execute His justice upon the Gentile nations. The reason for this judgment is their mistreatment of God's people and the desecration of His land.
6. Following the judgment of the Gentiles, Joel also speaks of the restoration and blessing of God's people. He promises that God will dwell in Zion, Jerusalem will be holy, and the land will be productive once again. The Lord's presence and blessings will be poured out on His people after the judgment of the Gentiles.
7. The mention of the Gentiles in the book of Joel highlights their role in the future judgment of God. They symbolize the nations that have opposed and mistreated God's people, and they will ultimately face divine justice. This is followed by the restoration and blessings of God's people, signaling His faithfulness and sovereignty over all nations.