1. Lazarus is a significant character in the Gospel of John, particularly in the story found in John 11. He is the brother of Martha and Mary, and together they form a close-knit family with a special relationship to Jesus.
2. The story begins with Lazarus falling ill in the village of Bethany. His sisters, Martha and Mary, send a message to Jesus, informing him of Lazarus' condition and requesting his help. They refer to Lazarus as "he whom you love" (John 11:3), emphasizing their deep trust in Jesus and their belief in his ability to heal.
3. Upon receiving the message, Jesus remains where he is for two more days before telling his disciples that it is time to go to Judea, where Bethany is located. The disciples express concern about returning to Judea because of the recent hostility towards Jesus in that region. However, Jesus insists on going, stating that Lazarus' illness will not end in death but will bring glory to God.
4. By the time Jesus and his disciples arrive in Bethany, Lazarus has already been dead for four days. Martha goes out to meet Jesus, expressing her faith in him and acknowledging that if he had been there earlier, her brother would not have died. Jesus assures Martha that Lazarus will rise again, to which she responds with a belief in the resurrection on the last day.
5. Jesus then meets Mary, who falls at his feet, expressing her grief and echoing Martha's sentiment that Lazarus would not have died if Jesus had been present. Deeply moved by their sorrow, Jesus weeps.
6. At the tomb, Jesus asks for the stone covering the entrance to be removed. Martha, concerned about the stench after four days, hesitates, but Jesus reminds her that if she believes, she will see the glory of God. The stone is rolled away, and Jesus prays, thanking God and expressing his connection with the Father.
7. Jesus then calls out in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" (John 11:43). To the amazement of those present, Lazarus emerges from the tomb, still wrapped in burial cloths. Jesus instructs them to unbind him and let him go.
8. The raising of Lazarus from the dead serves as a pivotal moment in the Gospel of John. It demonstrates Jesus' power over death and foreshadows his own resurrection. The event also triggers a reaction among the people, leading some to believe in Jesus while others plot to kill him.
9. The story of Lazarus showcases Jesus' deep love for his friends and his ability to bring life even in the face of death. It highlights themes of faith, resurrection, and the ultimate victory of Jesus over sin and death.