Aquila and Priscilla
1. Aquila and Priscilla are a couple mentioned in several books of the New Testament, including the book of Romans. They were early Christian missionaries who played an important role in spreading the gospel and establishing churches in various places.
2. Aquila and Priscilla were a Jewish couple who lived in Rome before they became followers of Christ. They were tentmakers by trade and likely met the apostle Paul during his stay in Corinth, where he worked alongside them (Acts 18:2-3).
3. Aquila and Priscilla became close friends and co-workers with Paul, serving alongside him in ministry and even risking their lives for his sake (Romans 16:3-4). They accompanied him on his travels and helped to establish churches in various regions.
4. In AD 49, Emperor Claudius expelled all Jews from Rome, including Aquila and Priscilla. They relocated to Corinth, where they continued their ministry and established a church in their home.
5. After some time in Corinth, Aquila and Priscilla returned to Rome, where they resumed their ministry. They had a significant impact on the church in Rome and were instrumental in the spread of the gospel there.
6. In Romans 16, Paul sends greetings to Aquila and Priscilla, commending them for their faithful service and acknowledging their important contributions to the church. He refers to them as his "fellow workers in Christ Jesus" (Romans 16:3) and expresses gratitude for their hospitality and sacrificial love.
7. Aquila and Priscilla's legacy as faithful servants of Christ continues to inspire and encourage believers today. Their example of partnership in ministry, hospitality, and willingness to risk their lives for the sake of the gospel serves as a model for Christians seeking to serve God with their whole hearts.
8. Aquila and Priscilla's story in Romans highlights the importance of partnership and unity in the body of Christ. Their example of service, sacrifice, and faithfulness continues to inspire and challenge Christians to live out the gospel message in their daily lives.