1 John
Messiah Jesus
1. In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus Christ is referred to as the Messiah, which means "the Anointed One" in Hebrew. The book of 1 John, written by the apostle John, focuses on the nature and significance of Jesus Christ as the central figure of the Christian faith.
2. In 1 John, Jesus is portrayed as the Son of God who came to earth to bring salvation and reconciliation between humanity and God. The letter emphasizes the dual nature of Jesus as both fully human and fully divine, a concept known as the hypostatic union. This means that Jesus is believed to be God incarnate, who took on human form while retaining his divine nature.
3. The story of Jesus in 1 John echoes the broader narrative found in the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), which detail his life, teachings, miracles, crucifixion, and resurrection. However, 1 John specifically emphasizes the significance of Jesus's incarnation, highlighting the reality of his physical existence on earth as a crucial aspect of Christian belief.
4. Throughout the book, John emphasizes the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, describing him as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world. He underscores the importance of faith in Jesus as the pathway to eternal life and emphasizes the love of God manifested through the sacrificial death of Jesus.
5. Additionally, 1 John emphasizes the ethical implications of believing in Jesus Christ, stressing the need for believers to love one another as a reflection of God's love demonstrated through the life and ministry of Jesus. The letter encourages followers of Jesus to walk in the light, obey God's commandments, and demonstrate love and compassion toward others as an outgrowth of their faith in Christ.
6. The portrayal of Jesus in 1 John reinforces his identity as the divine Son of God and the Savior of the world. The letter affirms the foundational tenets of the Christian faith, including the belief in Jesus's unique role in the redemption of humanity and the call to live out the implications of this faith through love and obedience.