1. Ruth is one of the most beloved figures in the Bible, and her story is told in the book of Ruth, which is named after her. It is a story of loyalty, love, and redemption.
2. Ruth was a Moabite woman who lived during the time of the judges in Israel. She married one of the sons of an Israelite family named Elimelech, who had moved to Moab due to a famine in Israel. However, both of Elimelech's sons died, leaving Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi as widows.
3. Naomi decided to return to Israel, and Ruth chose to go with her, despite the fact that she would be a foreigner in a strange land. When they arrived in Bethlehem, Ruth went out to glean in the fields in order to support herself and Naomi.
4. One day, Ruth caught the eye of a man named Boaz, who was a wealthy landowner and relative of Elimelech. Boaz showed kindness to Ruth, allowing her to glean in his fields and even telling his workers to leave extra grain for her.
5. Naomi recognized that Boaz could be a potential husband for Ruth, and she instructed Ruth to dress up and present herself to him at night while he was sleeping. Ruth did as she was told, and Boaz was impressed by her loyalty and kindness. He asked her to marry him, but there was another man who was a closer relative to Elimelech and thus had the right to marry Ruth first.
6. Boaz arranged for a meeting with this other man and convinced him to give up his right to marry Ruth. Boaz and Ruth were then married, and they had a son named Obed, who became the grandfather of King David, one of the most famous figures in the Bible.
7. The story of Ruth is often seen as a story of devotion, faithfulness, and redemption. It highlights the importance of showing kindness to strangers and the rewards that can come from doing so. It also emphasizes the role of women in the Bible, as Ruth played a crucial role in the lineage of King David and ultimately Jesus Christ.