Roman centurion
1. In the Gospel of Mark, a Roman centurion is mentioned in chapter 15, specifically in the account of Jesus' crucifixion. The centurion plays a pivotal role in the story, and his words at the foot of the cross are significant.
2. After Jesus is arrested and tried, he is sentenced to death by crucifixion. The Roman soldiers lead him away to be crucified, and they compel a man named Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross for him. They arrive at Golgotha, where they nail Jesus to the cross and divide his garments among themselves.
3. As Jesus hangs on the cross, surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, Mark notes that it was around noon when darkness descended over the land. This darkness lasts for three hours, until Jesus finally cries out with a loud voice and breathes his last.
4. At this moment, the centurion who had been standing guard over Jesus sees what has happened and declares, "Truly this man was the Son of God!" (Mark 15:39). This statement is significant because it is the first time in the Gospel of Mark that any human character acknowledges Jesus as the Son of God.
5. The centurion's declaration is a turning point in the story of Jesus' crucifixion. It marks a shift from the darkness and confusion surrounding Jesus' death to a recognition of his divinity and significance. The centurion, as a representative of the occupying Roman forces, embodies the unexpected recognition of Jesus as Lord and Messiah, even in the face of his violent death.
6. The centurion's story in Mark highlights the universal reach of the Gospel message, which can transform even those who seem to be farthest from God. The centurion's profession of faith also anticipates the wider proclamation of the Gospel message to all nations, as Jesus commanded his followers to do after his resurrection (Matthew 28:19-20).