1. Reuben was the first-born son of Jacob and Leah, making him the eldest of the twelve sons of Jacob and thus a member of the twelve tribes of Israel. The story of Reuben is detailed in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.
2. According to the biblical narrative, Reuben was born to Jacob and Leah during their time in Padan-Aram. When Leah gave birth to Reuben, she declared, "It is because the Lord has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now." The name Reuben means "see, a son" or "behold, a son."
3. Reuben's life was marked by both successes and failures. In one instance, he saved his brother Joseph from being killed at the hands of their other brothers. However, he also had a severe moral failing when he slept with one of his father's concubines, Bilhah. This act led to Jacob's disapproval and a loss of Reuben's position as the first-born son.
4. Despite his moral failure, Reuben's descendants became one of the twelve tribes of Israel, known as the tribe of Reuben. At the time of the conquest of Canaan, the tribe of Reuben was assigned the territory east of the Jordan River. The land was rich in pastures and was suitable for raising livestock, and the tribe grew prosperous through their agricultural pursuits.
5. Reuben's significance lies in the role his descendants played in the history of Israel. During the time of the judges, the tribe of Reuben provided significant military support for Israel. The book of Judges records that they joined forces with the tribes of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh to fight against the oppressive king Jabin of Canaan. Their military skills and bravery were crucial in achieving the victory.
6. In the later years of Israel's monarchy, during the reign of King David, Reuben's descendants continued to serve as loyal soldiers in the Israelite army. The tribe of Reuben is mentioned in the list of tribes that supported David's claim to the throne, and Reubenite soldiers played a prominent role in the battles fought under David's leadership.
7. Reuben's significance is further highlighted in the blessings given by Jacob and Moses before their deaths. In Jacob's blessing, he described Reuben as "unstable as water" and declared that Reuben would "not excel." This prophetic statement conveys the instability and indecision that characterized Reuben's life.
8. In Moses' blessing, he describes Reuben as having many people but lacking in power and political influence. Moses also highlights Reuben's agricultural prosperity, saying that they enjoyed an abundance of wine produced from their vineyards.
9. Reuben's story and significance lie in his role as the first-born son of Jacob and Leah, and his descendants formed one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Despite his moral failing, the tribe of Reuben contributed significantly to the defense and prosperity of Israel throughout its history.