2 Kings
1. Josiah was the 16th king of Judah and is often regarded as one of the most righteous and reform-minded kings in the history of ancient Israel. His story is primarily documented in the books of 2 Kings, particularly in chapters 22-23.
2. Josiah ascended to the throne of Judah at a young age following the assassination of his father, King Amon. Unlike his father and grandfather (Manasseh and Amnon), Josiah chose to follow the ways of righteousness and sought to restore true worship of Yahweh, the God of Israel.
3. In his eighteenth year as king, Josiah initiated a series of religious reforms. He ordered the repair and cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem, which had fallen into disrepair and neglect due to years of idolatry and pagan practices. During the restoration process, a copy of the Book of the Law (likely the Book of Deuteronomy) was discovered. This discovery served as a catalyst for Josiah's determination to reinstate the proper observance of God's commands.
4. Upon hearing the words of the Book of the Law, Josiah tore his clothes in repentance and sought guidance from the prophetess Huldah. Through Huldah, God affirmed that He would fulfill His judgments against the nation for their idolatry but would spare Josiah from experiencing the destruction personally due to his repentant heart.
5. In response to the revelations from the Book of the Law and the word of the Lord through Huldah, Josiah launched a comprehensive campaign to eradicate idolatry and pagan practices from the land. He destroyed altars, idols, and high places dedicated to foreign gods. He even defiled the altars of the false gods by scattering their ashes over graves, symbolizing their impurity and worthlessness.
6. Josiah also reinstated the observance of the Passover, which had been neglected for many years. The Passover celebration under Josiah's reign was described as being one of the most grand and significant in Israel's history, surpassing even the Passovers observed during the time of the judges and previous kings.
7. Despite Josiah's efforts, however, the judgment of God could not be fully averted. The prophecies against Judah and Jerusalem were still to be fulfilled due to the sins of previous generations. Nevertheless, Josiah's righteous reign was acknowledged, and it was proclaimed that he would be gathered to his fathers in peace before witnessing the destruction that would befall the kingdom.
8. Josiah's story portrays him as a model of faithfulness and devotion to God. He sought to restore true worship and adherence to God's laws, leading the nation back to a covenant relationship with Yahweh. His commitment to righteousness and his efforts to cleanse the land from idolatry serve as an example of national repentance and revival.