1. In the book of Exodus in the Bible, Pharaoh is the ruler of Egypt during the time of the Israelite slavery and the subsequent Exodus. The identity of the specific Pharaoh during this time period is not explicitly stated in the Bible, but he is described as a powerful and obstinate leader who resisted Moses and Aaron's demands to let the Israelites go.
2. Pharaoh is depicted as a cruel and oppressive ruler who refused to release the Israelites from their forced labor despite the many plagues that God brought upon Egypt as punishment. Each time Moses and Aaron approached him with a demand to release the Israelites, Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he stubbornly refused to acquiesce to their requests.
3. The conflict between Pharaoh and Moses climaxes with the tenth and final plague, in which the firstborn sons of all Egyptians are killed. This prompts Pharaoh to finally relent and allow the Israelites to leave Egypt. However, he soon changes his mind and sends his army after the Israelites, leading to the famous parting of the Red Sea and the Israelites' escape.
4. Pharaoh's story in Exodus highlights themes of power, oppression, and the consequences of disobedience. His refusal to listen to God's commands and to release the Israelites ultimately leads to his own downfall and the destruction of his army.