Part 1
Christians and Ascension Day
Ascension Day is a time for Christians to celebrate the glory of Jesus Christ. His ascension signifies his triumphant return to heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God. It affirms his divinity and authority and reminds Christians of his greatness and truth.
Ascension Day brings a message of hope and anticipation for Christians. The ascension of Jesus foreshadows his second coming and the establishment of the eternal kingdom. Christians are reminded to believe in and eagerly await the return of Jesus, giving them courage and hope.
Before his ascension, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to comfort and bless believers. The coming of the Holy Spirit allows Christians to experience the presence and power of God and nourishes their spiritual lives. Ascension Day reminds Christians to rely on the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit as they continue to grow in their faith.
Ascension Day motivates Christians to continue spreading the Gospel and sharing the message of redemption through Jesus Christ. Before ascending, Jesus entrusted his apostles and all believers with the mission of proclaiming the Gospel, making them witnesses to God's love. Ascension Day is a time for Christians to reflect on and recommit to this responsibility.
Christians often gather together to celebrate, pray, and participate in worship on Ascension Day. This holiday promotes the cohesion of Christian communities and strengthens the unity among the faith community. By celebrating Ascension Day with fellow Christians, people can share the joy of their faith and deepen their relationships with one another.