Part 2
The Trial Conducted by the Jewish Sanhedrin
The trial conducted by the Jewish Sanhedrin was the second in the process of Jesus' suffering. According to the accounts in the New Testament (Matthew 26:57-68), Jesus was brought before the high priest Caiaphas for this trial. Caiaphas was the high priest of the Jewish Sanhedrin and one of the religious leaders of that time.
This trial was a formal interrogation of Jesus, where He was charged with blasphemy and claiming to be the Messiah. During the trial, members of the Jewish Sanhedrin, including elders and scribes, gathered together to question Jesus. They sought to find enough evidence to convict Him. However, the testimonies given by the witnesses they used were contradictory and did not provide sufficient evidence to support the charges.
During the trial, Jesus remained silent and only admitted to being the Messiah when asked to make a statement about it. This provoked Caiaphas, who accused Jesus of blasphemy and ultimately declared Him guilty.
This trial revealed the hostility of the members of the Jewish Sanhedrin towards Jesus and their refusal to accept His identity as the Messiah. They reached a guilty verdict against Jesus and handed Him over to the Roman authorities for further trial. This trial was an important part of Jesus' suffering, with further trials and events taking place afterward.