Part 2
The Origin of Ascension Day
The origin of Ascension Day, a significant Christian holiday, can be traced back to the accounts in the New Testament of the Bible.
According to biblical records, after Jesus' resurrection, he appeared multiple times to his disciples over a period of forty days, teaching them about the kingdom of God. The final appearance took place on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus instructed his disciples to spread the Gospel and promised the coming of the Holy Spirit. Subsequently, Jesus began ascending into heaven, covered by a cloud, until he disappeared into the sky and returned to the Father.
This event occurred on the fortieth day after Easter, which falls on a Thursday. Therefore, Ascension Day is typically celebrated on the sixth Thursday after Easter. It is regarded as the moment when Jesus completed his mission on Earth and returned to heaven.
In early Christian history, Ascension Day served as an essential baptismal and confirmation ceremony, during which new believers were baptized and welcomed into the Church. Additionally, it became an important religious holiday, commemorating and celebrating the grand occasion of Jesus Christ's ascension.