Part 16
Embrace Jesus to Try to Pray
Receiving the Gift of Jesus Through Prayer
We are presented with a remarkable opportunity to embrace the gracious gift offered by Jesus through a prayer of surrender and acceptance. He extends this relationship to us with the utmost generosity and affection. As stated in John 1:12, "Yet, to all who embraced him, to those who put their faith in his name, he granted the privilege of becoming children of God..." Just like any precious gift, it must be received in order for us to truly possess it.
In accordance with Acts 16:31, we have the ability to welcome Jesus Christ into our lives through a personal invitation. By believing in the Lord Jesus, we can experience salvation. Jesus himself declared, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in..." (Revelation 3:20).
You Can Try Praying Like This:
"Dear Lord Jesus, with utmost humility, I acknowledge my deep need for your presence in my life. I express profound gratitude for the selfless sacrifice you made on the cross, bearing the weight of my sins. From the depths of my heart, I seek your forgiveness for all the ways I have fallen short. In this moment, I wholeheartedly accept you as my Savior and Lord.
I am filled with immense thankfulness for the immeasurable gift of eternal life that you have graciously bestowed upon me. Your boundless love and mercy overwhelm me, and I am forever grateful. With unwavering devotion, I commit to turning away from my past mistakes and embracing a new life guided by your light and redeemed by your grace.
In your holy name, Lord Jesus, I offer this prayer of gratitude and surrender. Thank you for your unfailing love and the transformative power you bring into my life. Amen."
A New Beginning
If you have genuinely and sincerely prayed to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you! By earnestly inviting Jesus Christ into your life, he enters and embraces you as a beloved child of God on a spiritual level. As stated in 1 John 5:11-12, "And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the son of God does not have life." Therefore, as you have received the son, you have received the gift of eternal life.
While you may or may not immediately perceive a tangible difference, please rest assured that if you have sincerely sought Christ's salvation, your sins have been forgiven, and you are now treasured as a cherished child of God. Embrace this truth and allow the love and grace of God to guide you on your journey of faith.