Part 17
Where Is Jesus Now?
Following his resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven and assumed a position of authority at the right hand of God. According to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ "has ascended into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers subject to him." (1 Peter 3:22). While he remains present on earth through the indwelling power of his Holy Spirit and the manifestation of his body, the Church, those who are believers will join him in eternity, residing eternally in heaven alongside God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Heaven Will Be an Extraordinary Place
In Heaven, there is no more suffering, pain, or sorrow. It is a place where all tears are wiped away, and joy abounds. The beauty of heaven is beyond human imagination, with radiant light and glory permeating every aspect.
The relationships in Heaven are characterized by perfect love and unity. Believers will enjoy intimate fellowship with God and one another, forming a harmonious community. It is a place of eternal peace, where conflicts and divisions cease to exist.
Heaven is also described as a place of fulfillment and purpose. Believers will find their true identities and callings fully realized. They will have the opportunity to use their God-given gifts and talents to glorify him and contribute to the eternal work of his kingdom.
Heaven Is Eternally Present
The nature of heaven surpasses earthly limitations. It is not bound by time or decay, but is an everlasting realm of perfection. The beauty of heaven lies not only in its physical aspect but also in the spiritual transformation that takes place within its inhabitants.
Ultimately, the beauty of heaven is found in the presence of God himself. His infinite love, goodness, and glory radiate throughout heaven, filling every heart with awe and worship. It is a place where believers will experience unending joy, peace, and fulfillment in the presence of their Creator.