Part 3
Pentecost Symbols
Flame: One of the symbols of Pentecost is a flame, representing the descent of the Holy Spirit. According to biblical accounts, on the day of Pentecost, the disciples saw tongues of fire appearing and resting on each of them.
Wind: Wind is another symbol of Pentecost, signifying the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Bible describes the sound of a mighty rushing wind accompanying the Holy Spirit's arrival.
Dove: At times, the image of a dove is used as a symbol of Pentecost. This originates from the biblical account of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus after his baptism, with the form of a dove.
Green and Red: Green and red are traditional colors associated with Pentecost. Green symbolizes life and renewal, while red represents the fiery presence of the Holy Spirit and vitality.
Diversity of languages: A common symbol in the commemoration of Pentecost is the celebration of language diversity. According to the Bible, on the day of Pentecost, people in Jerusalem heard the disciples speaking in their own native languages.
These symbols help Christians remember and celebrate the event of the Holy Spirit's descent and its vital role in the lives of believers and the Church.