Part 3
Thanksgiving Symbols
Harvest foods: The Thanksgiving table is typically filled with a bountiful spread of food, such as turkey, vegetables, gravy, cranberry sauce, and more. These foods symbolize God's provision and abundant blessings.
Cornucopia: The cornucopia, also known as the "horn of plenty," is a horn-shaped basket overflowing with fruits, vegetables, and other harvest items. It represents abundance and gratitude for God's blessings.
Thanksgiving dinner: Many churches and communities host Thanksgiving dinners, where people come together to share a meal and express their gratitude. It is a time of unity and fellowship centered around food.
Thanksgiving wreaths: Some individuals may create wreaths or headpieces adorned with colorful autumn leaves, fruits, and flowers to symbolize the joy of thanksgiving and abundance.
Thanksgiving worship service: Many churches hold special Thanksgiving worship services to give thanks for God's blessings and grace.
These symbols reflect gratitude for the harvest and God's grace. Thanksgiving is an important time when people celebrate, share, and express gratitude for the blessings and provisions given by God.