Part 5
What Effect Did the Laws of the Old Testament Have on People in the New Testament Age?
Understanding the character and moral standards of God.The Old Testament law reveals the character, righteousness, and moral standards of God. It teaches us what is right and wrong and reveals God's expectations for humanity. This remains relevant for people in the New Testament era, helping us recognize God's holiness and guiding us in our conduct.
Demonstrating the nature of sin and the need for redemption.The Old Testament law exposes human sinfulness and the inability to save ourselves. It highlights human brokenness and failure, leading us to recognize our own sinfulness and seek God's redemption. This understanding remains vital for people in the New Testament era as we acknowledge our sins and seek the redemption and grace found in Jesus Christ.
Instructing on principles of worship and reverence.The Old Testament law provides guidance on principles of worship and reverence. It offers regulations regarding worshiping God, the priestly system, festivals, and rituals. These principles remain valuable for people in the New Testament era, teaching us how to worship God with the right attitude and in the appropriate manner.
Revealing the standard of righteousness and sin.The Old Testament law presents us with a clear standard of righteousness and sin. It sets forth God's standards and reveals our imperfections and inability to meet God's requirements. This helps us recognize our need and seek salvation and justification through Jesus Christ.
Though people in the New Testament era are not directly bound by the Old Testament law, it continues to provide guidance and insight. It helps us understand God's intentions, recognize our sinfulness, seek redemption, and guides us in our relationship with God and others. Additionally, the Old Testament law provides a background and context for people in the New Testament era, aiding our comprehension and appreciation of the teachings and promises found in the New Testament.