Part 6
Bible Verses About Easter
Matthew 28:1-10:This passage recounts the story of Jesus Christ's resurrection. Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene and another woman went to see Jesus' tomb. There was an earthquake, and an angel descended from heaven, telling them that Jesus had risen. They left the tomb with joy, encountered the resurrected Jesus, and worshipped Him.
Mark 16:1-8:This passage describes some details of Easter. When the women, Salome, approached the tomb, they found the stone rolled away, and an angel told them that Jesus had risen. Salome shared the news with the others, but initially, they did not believe. Later, Jesus appeared to them and rebuked their unbelief.
Luke 24:1-12:This chapter mentions the story of Easter. Several women went to Jesus' tomb early in the morning and found the stone rolled away. The tomb was empty. Two angels revealed to them that Jesus had risen. The women shared this news with the apostles, but they didn't believe until Peter personally went and saw the empty tomb.
John 20:1-18:This passage records the story of Easter. Mary Magdalene went to Jesus' tomb early in the morning and found the stone rolled away. She initially thought someone had taken Jesus' body. Then Jesus personally appeared to her and revealed that He had risen.
These passages describe the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the events related to Easter. They emphasize Jesus' victory over death and the miraculous resurrection, forming the basis for Christians to celebrate Easter.