Part 6
Days Related to Christmas
Lent(Matthew 4:1-11): It is a period of 40 days leading up to Easter, starting on Ash Wednesday. During Lent, Christians engage in fasting, prayer, and self-reflection as preparation for the celebration of Easter.
Easter(Matthew 28:1-10): It is the most important Christian festival, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Easter is typically observed in the spring and is marked by church services, joyful celebrations, and traditions like Easter egg hunts.
Pentecost(Acts 2:1-41): Also known as Whit Sunday, it commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus after his ascension. Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter and signifies the birth of the Christian Church through the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Christ the King(John 18:33-37): It is a feast day that celebrates Jesus Christ as the king and ruler of all creation. The feast is observed on the last Sunday before Advent, affirming the sovereign authority of Jesus Christ over the entire universe.