Part 7
The story of the plague of hail can be found in the book of Exodus.
According to the biblical account, after Pharaoh stubbornly refused to release the Israelites, Moses warned him of a devastating plague of hail. Moses stretched out his staff toward the sky, and the Lord sent thunder, lightning, and hail raining down upon Egypt.
This hailstorm was unlike any before it or any that would come after. It was accompanied by fire, which flashed amidst the hail. The hailstones were extremely large, causing destruction wherever they fell. They struck both people and animals, destroying crops, trees, and everything in their path throughout the land of Egypt.(Exodus 9:13-35)
However, there were those in Egypt who heeded the warning. Some of Pharaoh's officials feared the word of the Lord and brought their servants and livestock inside for shelter. Those who ignored the warning suffered great loss and devastation.
The purpose of the plague of hail was to demonstrate God's power and sovereignty over the natural elements. It also served as a clear warning to Pharaoh and the Egyptians that continuing to resist God's commandments would lead to further catastrophic consequences.