Part 7
Seven Sayings From the Cross
The Seven Last Words from the Cross provide insight into the profound meaning of Jesus' crucifixion and His relationship with God and humanity.
1. "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." - Luke 23:34
In this statement, Jesus shows His compassion and willingness to intercede for those who crucified Him, asking God to forgive them despite their ignorance.
2. "Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." - Luke 23:43
Jesus speaks these words to a criminal who expressed faith in Him. It reveals His promise of salvation and the immediate hope of eternal life for those who believe in Him.
3. "Woman, behold thy son!... Behold thy mother!" - John 19:26-27
Addressing His mother Mary and His disciple John, Jesus ensures their care for one another, demonstrating His love and concern for those closest to Him even in His suffering.
4. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" - Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34
This cry expresses Jesus' profound sense of abandonment as He bears the weight of human sin and experiences the separation from His Father, fulfilling the prophecy of Psalm 22:1.
5. "I thirst." - John 19:28
By expressing His physical thirst, Jesus not only reveals His humanity but also fulfills the prophecies from the Psalms (e.g., Psalm 22:15) and symbolically signifies His longing to bring spiritual refreshment and salvation to humanity.
6. "It is finished." - John 19:30
This phrase signifies the completion of Jesus' redemptive mission. It declares the accomplishment of God's plan of salvation through His sacrificial death, offering forgiveness and reconciliation for all who believe in Him.
7. "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." - Luke 23:46
With complete trust and surrender, Jesus commits His spirit to God, indicating His submission to God's will and His ultimate victory over death. It reflects His confidence in God's faithfulness and the assurance of His resurrection.
These Seven Last Words encompass profound themes of forgiveness, salvation, love, sacrifice, redemption, trust, and victory. They offer a glimpse into the heart and purpose of Jesus' crucifixion, providing spiritual guidance, comfort, and hope for believers throughout history.