Part 3
Ascension Day Symbols
Ascension imagery: In churches and Christian artwork, depictions of Jesus ascending to heaven are commonly used. These images often show Jesus being lifted up into the sky, symbolizing his return to the Father.
Clouds: One of the symbols of Ascension Day is clouds, as it is mentioned in the Bible that Jesus was taken up into heaven amidst the clouds. Clouds represent divinity and the heavenly realm.
Background scenery: In art or paintings, scenes depicting the ascension of Jesus may include elements such as the heavenly realm, angels, or disciples watching him ascend.
Architectural elements: Some churches may decorate their interiors with symbols representing Ascension Day, such as using white decorations symbolizing purity and the radiance of heaven.
Prayer gestures: People may use specific prayer gestures during Ascension Day, such as raising their hands or clasping them together, expressing reverence and prayer for Jesus' ascension.
These symbols are used to remind and commemorate the event of Jesus Christ's ascension. They represent the faith, admiration, and awe that Christians have for Jesus. During Ascension Day, believers gather together to worship and celebrate the significance of Jesus' ascension.