Part 9
Darkness Covering the Land
The Three Days of Darkness (Darkness) is a biblical phenomenon that is said to have occurred in Egypt. According to the Bible, this event occurred when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt.
According to records, during the three days of darkness, the whole of Egypt was shrouded in dense darkness. This darkness not only hinders people's vision, but even the light of fire cannot penetrate it. However, the place where the Israelites lived in the land of Goshen was not affected by this darkness.(Exodus 10:21-29)
The Three Days of Darkness was considered God's punishment for Egypt, a symbol of warning and lesson. It showed the power and authority of God to Pharaoh and Egyptians. It was also to bring Pharaoh to his knees and free the Israelites from slavery.
This event also conveys an important message that the God of Israel is the ruler of light and darkness. Through this miracle, God showed the Egyptians His power over the natural world and strengthened the Israelites' faith in Him.
In short, the three days of darkness were part of the ten plagues of Egypt. They were considered to be a symbol of God's power, justice and warning to the Egyptians, and also to protect and rescue the Israelites from slavery.